‘Poetic Conversations’

Joonkiree (or more commonly, Junkiri; which is a Nepali name for Firefly) is a female character I am in love with. Photo: Ruvim/Pexels.com

Dear #Joonkiree

These days
I go out at night
Daily, before sleeping
And look at the sky
Just to check
if the moon is still there
if somebody managed to procure it for you!

Dear Adi,
Sorry hearing your daily, evening plight
But, sharing a news with great delight
Hoping this will not shatter you -
I got the moon yester-night!!

Joking apart,
If you ever feel lost someday
And even if ego holds you at bay
Come, without regrets, knock anytime
I will still, happily, light your way.


We joke with those who we care,
If that ever hurt, apologies sincere
Soon, under that full moon shining bright
Together we'll spend sleepless nights
Bathing with the moonlight, out of anybody's sight
Far away from this vanity fair...

[Will keep on updating, keep visiting 🙂 ]

Update: “Not a word passes between us, not because we have nothing to say, but because we don’t have to say anything” 😄

एउटा नुनिलाे कविता !

जबजब तरकारीमा नुन लाग्दैन

सम्झन्छु हजुरबाकाे यहि भान्छाकाेठा

तर अाश्चर्य,

ठ्याक्कै त्यहि बेला थाहा चाहिँ कसरी हुन्छ हजुरबालार्इ

कि नातीले बिलिनाे तरकारी खाँदै छ भनेर ?

पठार्इदिनलार्इ प्रत्येक पटक

मेरा अाँखामा नुन !??

Kitchen home

Spring [Poem]

How beautiful!

The sun rises among the hills.

All the people rest happily

Upon the green and grassy field.

The green grasses on the ground,

It gives the feeling of sofa set.

Which welcomes all the creatures

So I like spring the best.

By the different colors of flowers

And the sweet sounds of birds.

How happily the spring

Use to welcome us!!

[A poem I wrote while I was in grade nine.]


Poem from grade nine.


For Full-Timers

Without reason, anytime !!

No season, anytime !!

Morning, evening, day or night

No ‘time prison’, anytime !!

Narrow becomes double lane

Bumping oneself, cussing then !

Where are you heading dear ??

Destination – uncertain…  !!

Each week, each day, throughout the year

Whisky, wine, rum and beer..

If you go on doing the same

When will nation develop dear ?!?!